LRK Baking Academy VIP Membership

No monthly or yearly plans...just a one off payment and you'll have unlimited access to LRK Baking Academy forever!

Imagine having an unlimited supply of masterclasses that will help you to create beautiful bakes of every kind...with personalised support whenever you need it!

When it comes to baking, there's so much to learn.

➡️ The current 2024 VIP membership is $799, however as an existing member, you'll only pay $499. 🎉

⭐⭐⭐As a VIP member of LRK Baking Academy you'll save time, effort, energy, and avoid frustration because you'll have all the bakers secrets for whatever your baking at your fingertips.

What you'll get:

✅ A back catalogue of over 70 baking masterclasses currently valued at over $3000 🤩

✅ 2 new baking classes added to your library every month teaching you new recipes and techniques so you'll always have something new to try 🥯🍰🍩🎂🥧🍞

✅ Membership to our exclusive baking community so you can enjoy hanging out with caring and supportive people who love baking just like you 💖

✅ Bonus live classes throughout the year 👩‍🍳

✅ Bonus Sourdough Baking 101 course valued at $497 🍞

✅ Bonus copies of all my current and future recipe ebooks 📖 valued at $97

✅ Plus, the chance to enter our Baker Of The Month prize draw 🥳

✅ PayPal offers part payments if you wish to pay by instalments



Become an LRK VIP Member for $499 AUD

Please note: So you can get important updates about your membership, you will be added to our newsletter update list, you can unsubscribe at any time.